21 February 2012

In Which I Eat Crackers...Lots of Crackers

I am finally starting to come back to life after the evil that is known as the Norovirus. Five days of crackers, soup, and instant breakfasts. There also was a cheese debacle, but we won't discuss that (yes, Amanda, you were right, I shouldn't have tested my luck).

So basically I planted my ass on the couch and didn't do anything for a couple days. I did try a walk on Friday, and we went to the hockey game (where I was back to overcome funnel cake temptation). Sunday we went to church, but then an apple fritter got the best of me.

FYI: just because it supposedly has apple in it, this does not balance the deep fried pastry. Trust me.

Also, let us discuss cheesecake for a moment. Cheesecake is a wonderful thing, and they've got those awesome tubs of JUST THE FILLING.

So far I have been able to mostly avoid the tastiness that is my cheesecake, but it's a daily fight. I'm trying to limit myself to small slices. Miniscule slices. Slices that could hardly be considered slices.

As far as working out, I haven't really. I've done some walking, but that's the extent. I'm going to attempt the gym today after I bring my kids to school, so we will see how that goes. I may have to bring my trusty barf bucket.
Charming, eh?

Original Weigh In: FAT.
1st Week Weigh In: LOST 11 pounds!!

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