I wanted to reward myself in my weight loss journey, but in the past I have rewarded myself with food and that's just a bad idea all around. So this time, I decided that I would go to the nail salon, get myself a pedicure and an eyebrow wax for losing the first 5% of my weight loss goal.
Okay, when I say eyebrows, I mean eyebrows, upper lip and mutton chops. One of the downsides of having Polycycstic Ovarian Syndrome is that I am insanely hairy thanks to excess andogren in my body. Fun. Add onto that the fact that acne and obesity are other side effects, and I'm lucky I landed a husband while I was still super hot.
So I'm laying there on the bed that they're going to wax me on, and the short little pregnant Asian lady says to me "you very hairy. you let go downhill".
Lady, you don't know the half of it.
I did not know you had PCOS. SInce when?