I have spent the past two days with my head alternating between being in a toilet, or positioned being over a bucket. I got the stomach bug that's been going around. I had it in my mind to post a picture (tasteful picture of someone's head in a toilet?) but when I searched Google Images, the vast amounts of porn disturbed me so much that I kind of had the urge to barf again.
So no pictures of THAT.
Anywho, the upside of this bug was that I have lost 8 lbs in 2 days. Pretty sure that the reason for this is because there is absolutely nothing left in my digestive system, but hey, we take what we can get. At least this didn't happen:

Also, I got to watch television by myself all day (and yes, Amanda, this means that I was watching "that show" again. Do not come between me and my truckers again!) and eat Ritz crackers while sipping on miniscule amounts of Gatorade. Since Dan was working, I sent him a beautiful picture of my "I am sick" set-up.

Look! It's what every nerdy girl needs when she's ill! Her computer, her glasses, her PS3 controller and rations! The only thing that's missing is the Skyrim strategy guide that was on my lap.
Now I'm feeling back to my snarky, evil self. God help us all. We're heading to a hockey game tonight, and I'm hoping that my stomach will remember how it felt these past couple of days before it starts demanding rink dogs.
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