22 August 2010

In Which All My Muscles Explode

Anyway, so nothing really interesting happened today. I had class, and was pleased that I was able to stay awake even without chugging two mountain dews and eating a milky way. WOOT. Once I got home, it was pure insanity at the Young house until 8 pm, bedtime for the kids.

I hadn't gotten a chance to exercise, so Dan "watched" the sleeping kiddos while I went to the gym. And this time, I went sans sweatband simply because well, let's just say wearing a band that holds your sweat over your forehead doesn't exactly make you Penny Popular among the skinnies who don't sweat. Stupid whores.

So yeah, no sweatband. I'm not really sure which is better, being uncool and not having sweat in your eyes or having the sweat pour down your face and blind you. Anyway, I get on the elliptical and I'm done fooling around. I cranked that fucker up to level 12...halfway to the maximum of 25. Okay, the low side of halfway, and I had to turn it down to level 9 for about 7 minutes so I wouldn't die from a myocardial infarction, BUT...I did it for 35 minutes before turning to the other gym equipment for the first time.

My thighs are burning. My arms are groaning in protest. My abs are like, whoa...did something just happen to us? I think every one of my 656 muscles are in shock.

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